
Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance

Unlike many other recent Blockchain books focused on describing and defining Blockchain technology from a technical or cryptocurrency perspective, this unique book takes a very different tack: its focus is on how mainstream and marginalized Americans can use blockchain technology and digital assets ethically to create abundant life.

This book explores what Blockchain technology is doing today and how it can be used to create a better tomorrow.

The book daringly explores how blockchain technology can make a difference in improving America’s education system, cracking the Glass Ceiling, altering employment outlooks, and improving every person’s financial future.

The author examines and explores the business and social impact that open sourced Blockchain technology promises us is possible. And, in turn, discusses how we Americans can take those possibilities to create our economy, country, and lives into bustling meccas of abundance for E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.

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