Certified Digital Asset Advisor - Owner

Jamil Hasan

I specialize in crypto podcasting. I have a talent for drawing forth my guests’ thought leadership and helping them to present it in an amazing light in front of a global audience. It’s an art and I enjoy helping to lift up the voices of the otherwise voiceless.

I built the crypto/blockchain Crypto Hipster’s Crypto Corner podcast at the Irish Tech News from scratch. Season 1 and 2 witnessed 101 podcasts and Season ended with 81 podcasts. 182 in total in 14 months. My guests were from 50 countries and I organically built an audience in 160 nations. 135 were a new listener population.
I covered a wide range of important and compelling topics: Bitcoin, NFTs, Metaverse, Regulatory, Decentralized Finance, and a whole gamut of innovative verticals. 

I’m ex-AIG. I learned a ton about global business, finance and technology development there. I recently became a Certified Digital Asset Advisor, a listed certification through FINRA. Combining this designation with my twenty years of Wall Street experience is an X Factor for my clients.

I’m also a Gen X and blockchain book author. My books are on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

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